Ten powerful ways to protect yourself from toxic chemicals
If you want to protect yourself from these toxic chemicals, here's how to do it:#1) Don't put anything on your skin you wouldn't eat! Avoid all mainstream consumer skin care, cosmetics and personal care products, period! Need soap? Try natural, organic brands like Dr Bronner's, AnnMarie Gianni or Pangea Organics.
#2) Don't eat foods made with chemicals you can't pronounce. Read the ingredients labels. If the list of ingredients is too long and complex to figure out, it's probably made more with chemicals than actual food.
#3) Don't poison your body with over-the-counter drugs or prescription pharmaceuticals. If you do need to use medication for short-term emergency use, be sure to detoxify your liver afterwards.
#4) Detox your liver, kidneys and colon at least once a year. You can do this with a juice fast combined with detox supplements such as those offered by www.GlobalHealingCenter.com or www.BaselineNutritionals.com (get professional guidance from a naturopath before fasting).
America's epidemic of mental illness
This is largely why we have an epidemic of mental illness in America today. And that epidemic of mental illness, like all epidemics, has a cause.But what are the real factors that cause such widespread mental illness in America?
In answering this question, you're forced to consider things that poison the brain, which is after all a physical organ that relies on healthy biochemistry to operate correctly. So the right question here is, "What kinds of things in society today harm brain function?
That answer reveals a very long list:
Chemical substances:
• Psychiatric drugs
• Prescription medications
• Over-the-counter drugs
• Many street drugs
• Pesticides, herbicides, fungicides in the food
• Chemical food additives
• Off-gassing of toxic chemicals from furniture
• Toxic lawn care chemicals
• Fluoride in the water
• Chemicals and preservatives in vaccines
• GMO foods
• Mercury in fish and seafood (makes you crazy)
• Chemicals in personal care products and cosmetics
Brain programming:
• Violent video games
• Violent television programming
• Military indoctrination programs that desensitize people to violence
• Violent imagery on mainstream news programs
• Violent imagery in Hollywood movies
• "Militainment" - the transformation of war into killing entertainment through the mass media
If you combine all these factors with widespread nutritional deficiencies, you will inevitably create mental patients out of people who would have otherwise been harmless. From there, it's not difficult for a mentally deranged person bent on violence to locate a weapon of some sort -- a machete, sword, firearm, knife or even a Buick -- and then use it to commit violence against other human beings.
I believe that any honest discussion about Loughner and mental health in America must embrace these critical factors. If we are to prevent future violence from happening again, we must reduce the number of people in America who suffer from mental illness. And I assure you that can only be accomplished through a revolution in food and nutrition.
We are what we eat
We are what we eat. Loughner was insane. It is no coincidence that our factory farming meat operations in America are similarly insane.It is no coincidence that mainstream laundry detergent products contain cancer-causing fragrance chemicals.
It is no coincidence that our food supply is largely made of heavily processed, refined ingredients that have been nutritionally depleted.
Loughner is the "refined white sugar" poster boy. He's the Wonder Boy of Wonder Bread (refined white flour).
He represents the ultimate extreme of what happens when you raise a kid on processed foods and angry meat products produced through the committing of violence to cows, pigs and chickens. Yes, it does matter. When you produce your food through violence, you tend to get violent behavior in those who consume it.
But it's so much easier to ignore the real causes, isn't it?
Of course, this article is fifty years ahead of mainstream thinking in America. Instead of considering these simple and obvious truths (well, they're obvious to NaturalNews readers, anyway), Congress will instead seek to ban guns, or ban free speech, or somehow attempt to invoke some moronic reactionary law that will completely ignore the root causes of mental illness in America. Because that's what Congress does best.And that brings me to the final conclusion here: Einstein once said the definition of insanity (mental illness) is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Yet isn't that exactly what the U.S. Congress is doing?
They keep favoring the pharmaceutical industry, the junk food industry and the toxic chemical companies while ignoring the real health needs of the American people. And yet they somehow expect the outcome to be different. By Einstein's definition, the U.S. Congress also suffers from a kind of mental illness.
They act out of an "insanity of the status quo." And make no mistake, this insanity will continue for as long as our nation continues to raise our children on junk foods, factory-farmed meat products and psychiatric medications.
Mental health can be cured in America. But not by national leaders who are themselves expressing their own pattern of mental illness through their legislative priorities.
To cure mental illness in America, we need to first address the mental health of those who make our laws. If we do not, I sadly predict such random acts of violence will continue to be undertaken by the very same young men who have been abandoned, poisoned and exploited by the food, drug and chemical industries that now dominate America's legislative landscape.
You can't stop bullets with laws. But you can legalize health freedom in America so that the mental health of the population is improved to the point where far fewer people feel the insane urge to resort to the use of bullets in the first place.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/030976_mental_illness_Jared_Loughner.html#ixzz1UqwSrvpd
#5) Drink more water. Most people simply don't consume enough water to effectively remove toxins from their bodies. If you don't like water by itself, drink fresh vegetable juices such as celery or cucumber juice (which are actually structured water).
#6) Cleanse your body with parsley, alfalfa, red clover, chlorella or chlorophyll. All these substances can help cleanse your body and eliminate toxic substances that may be detrimental to your health.
#7) Don't fill your home or apartment with products that off-gas toxic chemicals: Air fresheners, perfumed candles, particle board furniture, carpets, glues, etc.
#8) Don't cook on non-stick cookware. These are the worst! Invest in quality copper-clad stainless steel pans and use those. They'll last a lifetime and they don't contaminate your body with chemicals. Don't eat at restaurants that use non-stick cookware. (That's just about every restaurant in the world, it seems...)
#9) Buy certified organic products. In the USA, the USDA Organic Seal is a trusted seal that genuinely indicates organic quality (both in foods and personal care products). Don't be fooled by brand names that use the word "organics" in their name but aren't really organic. For example, "Bob's Organics" may or may not actually be organic. The Organic Consumers Association (www.OrganicConsumers.org) can keep you posted on what's what.
#10) Get the cancer out of your laundry! Stop washing your clothes in toxic brand-name laundry detergents, and stop using brand-name fabric softeners or dryer sheets. Do you have any idea what chemicals are used in those products? The truth would astonish you.
And, of course, keep reading NaturalNews.com to stay up to speed on what's really good for you versus things that actually threaten your health. There is absolutely no question that the average chemical contamination of NaturalNews readers is far below that of typical American consumers.
Stay healthy by staying informed. Don't become another contaminated victim of the chemical industry.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/031033_toxic_chemicals_pregnant_women.html#ixzz1UqtDhu6c
Products which may contain formaldehyde include:
* Wood composite furniture including; resins used for office furniture, couches, baby furniture, particle board, pressed board, plywood, and softwood.
* Building materials such as acoustical ceilings, mineral wool, decking, composite core doors, industrial glues, foam insulation, paints and paint thinners.
* Household cleansers such as floor polishes, scouring cleansers, disinfectants, liquid cleansers, laundry aids, air fresheners, carpet cleaners.
* Household items such as wall hangings, carpets or throw rugs, coating on paper products, textiles, plastics, and upholstery.
* Personal care products such as hair straightening products, hair rinses, and cosmetics such as nail polish and hair gel often contain formaldehyde. Baby products including shampoos, creams and bubble bath are frequently laced with formaldehyde. Toothpaste and body washes are also potential sources of this carcinogenic ingredient.
* Clothing that is designated wrinkle free or preshrunk frequently contains formaldehyde. It has also been found in baby clothes and bedding.
* Formaldehyde is also a key component in the familiar new car smell of recently purchased vehicles.
* Car exhaust and cigarette smoke also contain formaldehyde.
* Formaldehyde is used as a disinfectant in laboratory settings, and is also used in the embalming process.
There are ways to reduce exposure to formaldehyde including buying products that are formaldehyde free. Another important way to reduce exposure is to be certain to properly ventilate the house. Here are some other suggests to reduce formaldehyde exposure:
1. Frequently air out the house. Formaldehyde concentrations in the home may also lead to allergic reactions may contribute to asthma attacks and contribute to other respiratory problems, rashes, irritation to mucus membranes, and fatigue. Children may be especially vulnerable.
2. Formaldehyde may be more readily released into the air in hot and humid spaces. Keep the area cool and dry in summer weather if possible.
3. Pressed wood products or composite wood frequently contains resins made with formaldehyde. Avoid purchasing these products or look for products that are listed as containing no formaldehyde or low formaldehyde. One example of a product labeled for reduced formaldehyde content would be a C.A.R.B phase 1 or 2 compliant product which is The California Air Resource Board endorsement. California has long recognized the carcinogenic properties of formaldehyde.
4. Wash all new clothing before wearing it. Clothing manufacturers in the U.S and some other countries are not required to label materials containing formaldehyde though many of their products do.
5. Do not allow smoking in the home. Smoke from cigarettes is a leading cause of formaldehyde exposure and indoor pollution.
6. When refinishing or sanding an old piece of furniture or woodwork wear a mask and use adequate ventilation. Sawdust from these items may contain high levels of formaldehyde.
7. Combinations of cleansers can be deadly so don't mix them. Use proper ventilation when using ordinary household cleansers. Although many of them smell fresh and clean they are chemical cocktails that frequently contain formaldehyde.
8. Use low-VOC or no-VOC paints.
9. Buy only personal care and baby care items that are formaldehyde free. Be especially diligent with nail polishes, hair straightening products as both of these items may contain dangerous levels of formaldehyde.
The recent addition of formaldehyde to the list of known cancer causing agents may lead to tougher laws regulating its use in consumer products and is a significant step to protecting the welfare of the public from this toxic substance. Until laws change however, it will be up to
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/032765_formaldehyde_carcinogenic.html#ixzz1Uquvwbdy
So don't be fooled by the marketing of "green" homes which are really just toxic air traps for their owners. Know the difference between a truly green home versus an air-tight home. And don't be a sucker for the new home builders who fill their homes with toxic chemicals while trying to pawn them off as somehow being green.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/032733_green_home_indoor_air_quality.html#ixzz1UqvnD1Jr
* Wood composite furniture including; resins used for office furniture, couches, baby furniture, particle board, pressed board, plywood, and softwood.
* Building materials such as acoustical ceilings, mineral wool, decking, composite core doors, industrial glues, foam insulation, paints and paint thinners.
* Household cleansers such as floor polishes, scouring cleansers, disinfectants, liquid cleansers, laundry aids, air fresheners, carpet cleaners.
* Household items such as wall hangings, carpets or throw rugs, coating on paper products, textiles, plastics, and upholstery.
* Personal care products such as hair straightening products, hair rinses, and cosmetics such as nail polish and hair gel often contain formaldehyde. Baby products including shampoos, creams and bubble bath are frequently laced with formaldehyde. Toothpaste and body washes are also potential sources of this carcinogenic ingredient.
* Clothing that is designated wrinkle free or preshrunk frequently contains formaldehyde. It has also been found in baby clothes and bedding.
* Formaldehyde is also a key component in the familiar new car smell of recently purchased vehicles.
* Car exhaust and cigarette smoke also contain formaldehyde.
* Formaldehyde is used as a disinfectant in laboratory settings, and is also used in the embalming process.
There are ways to reduce exposure to formaldehyde including buying products that are formaldehyde free. Another important way to reduce exposure is to be certain to properly ventilate the house. Here are some other suggests to reduce formaldehyde exposure:
1. Frequently air out the house. Formaldehyde concentrations in the home may also lead to allergic reactions may contribute to asthma attacks and contribute to other respiratory problems, rashes, irritation to mucus membranes, and fatigue. Children may be especially vulnerable.
2. Formaldehyde may be more readily released into the air in hot and humid spaces. Keep the area cool and dry in summer weather if possible.
3. Pressed wood products or composite wood frequently contains resins made with formaldehyde. Avoid purchasing these products or look for products that are listed as containing no formaldehyde or low formaldehyde. One example of a product labeled for reduced formaldehyde content would be a C.A.R.B phase 1 or 2 compliant product which is The California Air Resource Board endorsement. California has long recognized the carcinogenic properties of formaldehyde.
4. Wash all new clothing before wearing it. Clothing manufacturers in the U.S and some other countries are not required to label materials containing formaldehyde though many of their products do.
5. Do not allow smoking in the home. Smoke from cigarettes is a leading cause of formaldehyde exposure and indoor pollution.
6. When refinishing or sanding an old piece of furniture or woodwork wear a mask and use adequate ventilation. Sawdust from these items may contain high levels of formaldehyde.
7. Combinations of cleansers can be deadly so don't mix them. Use proper ventilation when using ordinary household cleansers. Although many of them smell fresh and clean they are chemical cocktails that frequently contain formaldehyde.
8. Use low-VOC or no-VOC paints.
9. Buy only personal care and baby care items that are formaldehyde free. Be especially diligent with nail polishes, hair straightening products as both of these items may contain dangerous levels of formaldehyde.
The recent addition of formaldehyde to the list of known cancer causing agents may lead to tougher laws regulating its use in consumer products and is a significant step to protecting the welfare of the public from this toxic substance. Until laws change however, it will be up to
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/032765_formaldehyde_carcinogenic.html#ixzz1Uquvwbdy
Use indoor plants as living air cleaners
No matter what kind of home you live in, the use of indoor plants can have a HUGE impact on reducing the toxicity of your indoor air. Plants are natural air filtration systems that quite literally inhale toxic chemicals and then process them into harmless elements that are then exhaled back into the room. The fast-growing jungle-type indoor plants are the best for this purpose because the greater the total leaf area of the plants, the more cleaning effect you're getting.So don't be fooled by the marketing of "green" homes which are really just toxic air traps for their owners. Know the difference between a truly green home versus an air-tight home. And don't be a sucker for the new home builders who fill their homes with toxic chemicals while trying to pawn them off as somehow being green.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/032733_green_home_indoor_air_quality.html#ixzz1UqvnD1Jr